Oil on Canvas -  36in x 24in



Reflection of Love

Copyright Karen Huntington 2024  All rights reserved

This was a commissioned piece for a lovely lady who wanted a painting that will help her on her spiritual  path.  Here I used my intuitive skills to bring a painting to her that was aligned to her soul.

I was  pretty much given free reign which was wonderful.  Below are her comments :-

“I commissioned Karen to paint a picture to assist me on my spiritual journey. I gave her a rough idea of colours that I like, as well as requesting ‘wings’, but didn’t want to be too specific. I trusted that what ever came through her, and onto the canvas, would be what I need.

I was not disappointed!

When my painting was revealed to me, I was stunned. The colours are perfect, the wings look magnificent, and the light is magical. Now it has hung on the wall for a while, each time I study my painting, I see more beauty within it, feel more connection to it, and I am starting to learn of its power!  Karen’s paintings are filled with radiating Light, and Energy, channelled by Spirit to offer their guidance, healing and love.”

If you would like your very own piece feel free to contact me, I can work to any budget within reason.

Magical Christmas