Oil on Canvas -  30in x 24in approx £350                             


Mother’s Love

Copyright Karen Huntington 2024  All rights reserved

Mother Earth, our mother, we your children see you, we love you.

The Clarion Call has sounded, Lightworkers, Healers and Peacekeepers respond no longer able to sit by and watch.

Quietly as a dawn awakening, their hearts join together in oneness, an unstoppable force of love and light surrounds her. The shadows created by her children are lifting. So long has she been terrorized by humankind, blind to her suffering, blind to the sentient life that lives upon and within her.

More of her children awaken from their centuries old sleep, the chainsaw and brutal mentality ceases.  In horror they look about and see, they see what has been done to her, our beautiful mother, and their heart’s weep.

The blinkers drop away completely, souls open the world over as they join the legions of light. Recognising the mother’s sanctity, their only wish now is for her to heal.

All hearts open, she responds in overwhelming joy, her patience rewarded, for her children are with her now in oneness, enjoined in love and respect.

Long gone are her persecutors and pillagers assigned to history.  Her children become her protectors, her guardians, their new ethos, that no life great or small shall ever be harmed.

For that which has been foretold is realised as the new Golden Age of Peace. Our beloved mother with all her subjects ascends to a heaven on earth where peace reigns supreme.

Awaken dear ones and become the light.


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