Oil on canvas
Approx 24in x 18in

Love, the energy that binds us all within the light,  whispering, “my child I love you,  I am here, always with you,  for you are mine and  I  yours”.

Love gifted us the masters of old, showing us the way, commanding the winged horse, the symbol of light, to go out into this world bringing about the spirit of grace, strength and courage.

This force, the strongest there is, will guide in the everyday, for it is love that inspires and heals within the acts of kindness, by the quiet unknowing heroes.

The compassion that will compel several fire fighters into a burning building, to save a tiny kitten. You see, all living things are precious and sacred, this peace bearer that knows no boundaries, for all belong to love.

It is said, “when one truly personifies love, the tangible presence of the Divine is liberated”.

“Put Love above all else”

Originals Rainbow Dancer

Love Personified

Copyright Karen Huntington 2024  All rights reserved